
Marco Di Pietro


Short Bio

I am associate professor of economics in the Department of Economics and Law at Sapienza University of Rome. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Sapienza University of Rome in 2014. My main field of expertise is on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models and my research and teaching interests include monetary policy and macro banking.

I collaborated as economic consultant with the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance for the estimation of IGEM (Italian General Equilibrium Model) and the development of IGEM-f (large-scale DSGE model with financial frictions). I was economic consultant for the Korea Labor Institute and for PricewaterhouseCoopers, and worked as macroeconomic expert in research projects developed by Eurispes, Fondazione Brodolini, the European Commission (DG EMPL) and Trade Republic.

Along spring 2019, I was visiting researcher in the Department of Economics at Michigan State University (USA); along fall 2022 I was visiting researcher in the Institute of Social and Economic Research at Osaka University (Japan).

[view my CV]